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  • 25/0020 amazing 1965 vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black silk evening trouser 40
  • 25/0020 amazing 1965 vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black silk evening trouser 40
  • 25/0020 amazing 1965 vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black silk evening trouser 40
  • 25/0020 amazing 1965 vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black silk evening trouser 40
  • 25/0020 amazing 1965 vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black silk evening trouser 40
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25/0020 amazing 1965 vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black silk evening trouser 40

£145.83 TAX FREE
  • The Chaps Say:

    From a fabulously dandy collection. You simply won't find them again.

    Our stock ref: 25/0020
    Unpacked weight: 460g

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“Coat arrived in excellent shape, and it fits perfectly as though it were custom tailored. I will be wearing this at my wedding it is so good. Thank you for your excellent services, I will be writing a stellar review. Look for it on Fedora Lounge and elsewhere.”


Black Tie Standards

A savvy row buying guide.

Barathea wool is considered the classic choice for formal dinner suits. Heavier than anything you'll find on today's high street, a good barathea will last a lifetime and never look out of place. Vintage barathea DJs are widely available, quality is routinely excellent, and so is value for money. 

A velvet dinner jacket is a more 'dandy' alternative, perhaps. Originally derived from the smoking jacket and often still described as such. Silk-velvet examples are highly sought-after, and rightly so.

At first, black tie 'rules' might appear somewhat rigid and prescriptive but, as always, the enjoyment is in the detail! Subtle variations in cut and finish enable savvy chaps to reflect their individual tastes without ever appearing immodest (that would, of course, constitute the height of bad manners). 

Mr Tiernan's favoured cut is a 1 button single-breasted with grosgrain peak lapel. What will you choose? Read more

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