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  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
  • 25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41
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25/0017 excellent vintage cyril a castle conduit st savile row bespoke black mohair trouser 37-41

£79.17 TAX FREE
  • The Chaps Say:

    From a fabulously dandy collection. You simply won't find them again.

    Our stock ref: 25/0017
    Unpacked weight: 650g

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“I could not be happier with the G+S suit I bought from you. It fits like a glove and is in mint condition - clearly barely worn Fantastic value at 225 pounds for a suit that would as you say cost at least 2,000 new. All power to you!”


Goodwood Revival

A savvy row buying guide.

While it's not compulsory to dress up for the Goodwood Revival, you would be rather missing the point if you didn't! Taking time to assemble an authentic outfit will ensure that you feel fully immersed in the proceedings. Not surprisingly, original 1940s, 1950s & 1960s suits in excellent order command the highest prices, especially if they are in harder to find 'modern' sizes (larger than 40" chest). Investment in an authentic vintage suit will bring many years of enjoyment and will stand out at The Revival to those in the know.

Sought-after authentic pieces get snapped up all year round by collectors, so don't hesitate if that special item comes along. Whatever your budget, the earlier you start shopping the more choice you will have. In any event, try to allow enough time in case your item needs any alteration to fit. Though, if you have left it to the last minute, we can still have items with you the next day!

View our Goodwood Revival Guide

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