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  • 290724/010 immaculate kent haste lachter savile row bespoke red soft cotton trouser 50
  • 290724/010 immaculate kent haste lachter savile row bespoke red soft cotton trouser 50
  • 290724/010 immaculate kent haste lachter savile row bespoke red soft cotton trouser 50
  • 290724/010 immaculate kent haste lachter savile row bespoke red soft cotton trouser 50
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290724/010 immaculate kent haste lachter savile row bespoke red soft cotton trouser 50

£104.17 TAX FREE
  • The Chaps Say:

    Superb bespoke detailing from renowned house. Luxury cloth. Rare chance.

    Our stock ref: 290724/010
    Unpacked weight: 610g

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“Just a short note to say that the coats arrived safely, and they are both fabulous. I took them into the local tailor for a slight adjustment (the previous chap must have been a tad more portly) and he was amazed at the quality of the Crombie cloth. His exact words - "Aye, they dinna mak them like this ony mair!"”


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