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  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
  • 24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular
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24/1166 anderson & sheppard 2004 savile row bespoke very dark blue wool suit jacket blazer 46 regular

£104.17 TAX FREE
  • The Chaps Say:

    Superb bespoke detailing from renowned house. Luxury cloth. Rare opportunity.

    • Canvassed construction
    • Working cuff
    • Silk linings

    Our stock ref: 24/1166
    Unpacked weight: 780g

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“Once again, I have experienced quite outstanding service from Savvy Row and the Post Office. My purchase has just arrived after my ordering it yesterday afternoon. The breeks are as you describe, quite immaculate. I am delighted.”


Blazer History

A savvy row buying guide.

There appear to be 2 competing theories to explain the origin of the blazer. The earliest on record (1825) is that the scarlet red jackets worn by The Lady Margaret Boat Club (the rowing club of St. Johns College, Cambridge) were seen to 'set the water ablaze'.

Photo shown with kind permission of 'Fiver' - copyright fiverlocker 2012.

Alternatively...in 1837 the Commander of the frigate H.M.S. Blazer was told that England’s young queen, Victoria, would soon inspect his ship. He took one look at the unsightly condition of his crew’s dress and decreed that they would get new uniforms. He decided on a short jacket with Brass Royal Navy buttons. There is a disagreement as to the colour of those first Blazers. In one account the jackets were striped navy and white, but another reports solid navy. In either case, Victoria was so favourably impressed she required all sailors to be in similar uniform.

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