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  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
  • 25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short
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25/0184 immaculate bladen original green wp check tweed sports jacket 41 short

£79.17 TAX FREE
  • The Chaps Say:

    Superior quality and detailing. New rrp is in the region of £550.

    Our stock ref: 25/0184
    Unpacked weight: 1070g

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“Lovely stuff you collect and sell. It's a shame I'm such a common size; beautiful pieces are often scooped up before I get an opportunity to grab them. Regardless, you've helped increase my knowledge of proper men's attire immeasurably. Consider me a loyal customer, and expect my patronage for many years to come.”


Tweed Standards

A savvy row buying guide.

Tweed originated in Scotland and Ireland as a way for farmers to battle the chilly, damp climate. The cloth was rough, thick, and felted and the colors were muted and earthy. The cloth was made in the Tweed Valley, and some believe that is the origin of the word. A more popular legend has it that the name tweed is a twist on the Scottish word for “tweel” or twill, which is the signature weave of the fabric. In 1826, a London clerk accidentally transcribed an order to “tweel” and wrote “tweed” instead, and from there the name came into use.

The Ghillie Collar is now associated almost exclusively with hacking jackets. In fact, all coats originally buttoned to the neck with a ghillie collar which looks something like a shirt collar. The coat buttoned at the neck, right under the centre of the collar. Men increasingly left the top button unbuttoned, and wore neckties with the coat. Before long they simply folded the upper coat edges back. The gap between the ghillie collar and the top of the coat front became the notch in a notched lapel. The enjoyment is in the detail!

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